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CBD against high blood pressure


Hypertension is a common disease in the United States and every fourth person suffers from it. The consequences of this disease include stroke or heart attack. Can CBD affect blood pressure?

Medicinal effects of CBD

The medical use of the hemp plant was successfully practiced 5000 years ago. CBD, aka cannabidiol, is the second most important compound in the cannabis plant after THC. To date, drugs with CBD are approved in the United States.

Legal hemp varieties containing less than 0.3 percent THC are used to extract CBD oil. Therefore, the use of hemp-based CBD drops is permitted by law.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), CBD is neither “high” nor addictive and is not harmful to health.

Numerous studies examining the health benefits have also contributed to this view.

CBD is a cannabinoid. It stimulates part of our nervous system (endocannabinoid system, also called ECS for short). The body itself can also produce cannabinoids.

The ECS regulates various processes in our body. Examples include:

  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Mood and Emotional Behavior (fear, sadness)
  • Appetite
  • Pain

These effects are of particular interest in medicine. That is why the effects of CBD are constantly being researched.

CBD against high blood pressure

What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure at which the heart pumps blood through the vessels. Its rate depends on the cardiac output and the width of the blood vessels. With hypertension, the vessels are damaged by the constantly high pressure.

Impacts of high blood pressure:

  • Arteriosclerosis (vascular calcification)
  • Heart attack (occlusion of the coronary arteries)
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Stroke (occlusion of the vessels in the brain)
  • Retinal diseases
  • Kidney weakness

Although WHO recommends research on CBD, hemp products are a thorn in the side of the pharmaceutical lobby. After all, pharmaceutical companies alone earn several billion dollars with conventional medicines for cardiovascular diseases. That’s why it isn’t surprising that the pharmaceutical lobby bends laws for the benefit of industry and for maximizing profits.

In 2017, a study was published on whether CBD can lower blood pressure.

It showed that CBD has potential benefits that can help lower blood pressure by addressing health problems that lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Since then, more and more people with cardiovascular diseases have trusted this cannabinoid. Of course, further clinical examinations are necessary.

CBD for High Blood pressure

Why people with high blood pressure hope for CBD

Scientists found in a study that CBD has a dilating effect on the vessels. When the vascular muscles relax, blood transport is facilitated and blood pressure drops.

High blood pressure due to stress

In a stressful situation, the body releases stress hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol). It increases both blood pressure and the pulse and respiratory rate. It gets the body running at full speed, so to speak.

The body inhibits the release of stress hormones through the endocannabinoid system.

In clinical studies it was shown that CBD with anxiety and psychological problems, stress or insomnia has great potential.

Hypertension promotes vascular calcification and inflammation

If the blood is pressed against the vessel walls with too high pressure, they cannot withstand the pressure permanently.

The result is inflammation and injuries, on which limescale and fats can accumulate. As a result, the arteries become increasingly narrow and inelastic. As a result, the organs are poorly supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Atherosclerosis, better known as hardening of the arteries, is one of the most common triggers for heart attack and stroke.

Some studies examined the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD.

It is believed that CBD inhibits the release of messenger substances that trigger inflammation.

Obesity and high blood pressure

Little exercise and a high-fat diet not only lead to obesity, but also to high blood pressure.

Bad fats can lead to many chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. In a study, researchers found that CBD converts white fat cells to brown ones. It also stimulates our body and lead to the efficient breakdown of fat.

How to take CBD drops?

  • CBD drops 5%: 3 to 4 times a day 5 drops directly under the tongue. Start with 5 drops once a day and increase the dose if necessary.
  • CBD drops 10%: 3 to 5 times a day, 2 drops directly under the tongue. Start with 2 drops once a day and increase the dose if necessary.
  • CBD drops 20%: 1 drop 5 times a day directly under the tongue. Start with 1 drop once a day and increase the dose if necessary.
  • CBD drops 25%: 1 drop 4 times a day directly under the tongue. Start with 1 drop once a day and increase the dose if necessary.

Summary of CBD for Blood Pressure

According to current knowledge, CBD drops are a miracle cure, but it does not make conventional medical treatment unnecessary. However, numerous studies are concerned with whether CBD can fix health problems that lead to an increase in blood pressure. This gives hope to many hypertensive patients. Fortunately, everyone can still decide for themselves whether they want to try CBD for high blood pressure.

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