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CBD oil for sleep: does it really help?

Need Better Sleep?You may have heard that some friends or acquaintances are taking CBD oil and they may have told you many stories about how well they feel – they even tell you that CBD helps you sleep. But what is this mysterious substance? Do you really enjoy such beneficial properties?

You may have trouble sleeping or you may have insomnia, which has brought you to this article. You’re in luck, because we’re here to tell you all about CBD oil and to explain if it can help you with your sleep problems. In addition, we will tell you why it could relieve fatigue.

First, let’s clarify what CBD oil is and then we will tell you the properties that CBD oil has to help you sleep better.

What is cannabidiol oil and why do so many people take it?

CBD oil is nothing other than cannabidiol, one of the active substances (or cannabinoids) of the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabidiol is one of the most abundant cannabinoids along with the psychoactive substance THC. Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive properties and therefore does not produce the intoxicating effects that have given cannabis its reputation.

In the United States and Minnesota, CBD oils, as well as other products with this substance, are becoming fashionable. Since CBD does not trigger those same effects as THC or cannabis, it has a completely legal status. Manufacturers can legally create products with industrial hemp CBD, which contains less than 0.3% THC.

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant when it has already grown, and is usually suspended in an inert oil such as coconut or MCT. There are also CBD capsules and even edibles. There are more and more products with cannabidiol and people are encouraged to try CBD oil to sleep better.

The answer to why so many people consume CBD is in a system that we all have as mammals, called the endocannabinoid system.

What you must know about the endocannabinoid system

Our bodies have several biological systems designed to help us perform different functions. The respiratory system allows us to breathe, the digestive system helps us convert food into energy and the endocannabinoid system keeps us in balance.

The endocannabinoid system, abbreviated as ECS, is perhaps the most important system in the body. It is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, i.e. it is in charge of important physiological functions such as appetite, pain, humor and, as you may have guessed, sleep.

It acts through cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout the body. Scientists have identified two major receptors to date, CB1 and CB2 receptors. Although both types of receptors are present throughout the body, CB1 receptors are more localized in the brain and central nervous system while CB2 receptors are more present in other tissues and organs.

Normally we produce signals called endocannabinoids to send messages through the body. These elements are similar to phyto-cannabinoids, such as CBD, found in the cannabis plant, only we produce them ourselves. When there is a problem, an endocannabinoid is produced that binds to a particular cannabinoid receptor to transmit the message and report that problem. Through this alarm system, the body is able to adjust to changing conditions. If you get a wound, the ECS will create endocannabinoids that warn the body of what has happened so that the affected area becomes inflamed and the wound is protected.

The ECS is not only limited to pain regulation, but is responsible for a large number of functions.

But it doesn’t always work perfectly. Many people suffer from an endocannabinoid deficiency whereby the body does not produce enough molecules of this type. CBD could help maintain health because it can stimulate the creation of additional cannabinoids. Thus, the ECS is always ready and you make sure that the body functions normally.

CBD oil for sleep

Nowadays many people suffer from sleep disorders. Whether you have a diagnosed problem or if you cannot leave the computer at night, it is clear that lack of sleep is a matter that affects many people. It is advised that an adult sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night, an objective that many fail to meet.

If you can’t sleep, there are many things that can help you improve the situation. Here we name some:

  • Avoid caffeine for at least 6 hours before going to sleep.
  • Avoid naps during the day.
  • Change mattress or pillows if they are old.
  • Do not use your mobile phone in bed.
  • Don’t dine too late.
  • Ensure that the room is dark and silent.
  • Get enough exercise.
  • Relax for a while before going to bed.

If none of these practices help you, there are treatments that can improve the situation. But many of those treatments have unwanted side effects. So, what about the CBD?

Since CBD can help balance the endocannabinoid system, it may also help you fall asleep. A healthy ECS ensures more happiness, less stress and better overall health. Stress and anxiety greatly contribute to worsening sleep disorders, so having a balanced mood can help improve them. In addition, the proper functioning of the ECS can help to be rested.

As we mentioned earlier, there are many CBD products on the market, from sugary candies to cannabidiol tea. If you take CBD, avoid such products before going to bed because they could make it harder to fall asleep.

However, CBD oil can be taken at any time of the day, also before going to bed, so you can try CBD oil to sleep better.

Does CBD have side effects?

With the explosion of the CBD it was important that an organization with authority studied it to make this matter clear. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently did it through a statement on CBD oil that was the result of numerous clinical tests and trials. They discovered that CBD is generally safe and well tolerated by humans, with no potential for addiction or dependence and with negligible side effects.

People who have tried CBD oil can confirm that they do not usually suffer adverse effects. In some cases, drowsiness may occur during the first uses (and, if you have insomnia, it does not have to be a bad thing), while some user has claimed to feel nauseous and at some time diarrhea. Normally the nausea is due to the distinctive taste of CBD oil, which is usually unpleasant because of its bitterness.

On the other hand, if you suffer from diarrhea you should make sure you stay well hydrated. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor and do not continue taking CBD oil. Luckily, these side effects are not serious and occur in very few cases.

In contrast, treatments for sleep disorders usually have a greater impact. With CBD oil, side effects are minor and temporary, such as diarrhea, dry mouth, etc. On the other hand, the list of side effects of sleeping pills is very long, and some effects can be very unpleasant. Some people experience burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet or legs, headaches, loss of balance, heartburn, flatulence, memory problems, tremor, weakness and stomach pain. In addition, sleeping pills can lead to drowsiness the day after taking them, while CBD users say they feel better when they wake up.

Summary: CBD oil for sleep

Not being able to sleep at night is very annoying. It makes you feel fatigued and unable to perform necessary tasks. But there is a solution. A different thing can work for each person, and it is important that you discover what works for you.

We believe that testing CBD oil is a viable option. It is organic, healthy and does not produce any serious side effects. Compared to sleeping pills, there is no doubt that CBD oil is a better option. We cannot guarantee that it will work in your particular case, but we think it is worth trying.

In addition, as it can contribute to improving health and well-being in general. It can bring you other benefits that are worth taking advantage of. If you have already tried CBD oil to sleep better, tell us your experience in the comments.


  1. […] a study undertaken at the University of São Paulo showed CBD oil to be beneficial in fighting sleep disorders in people with neurological conditions, such as […]

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